#OVIS is the national platform for #HumanVolunteers Eligibility across India. With over 85% of #CRO facilities on this platform, OVIS offers a safe #ClinicalStudy for the CROs - offers #RiskMitigation.
Human Volunteers tend to re-participate in clinical studies ignoring the designated 'wait' period. This might put their lives at stake. The risk to CROs is also large due to #AdverseDrugReactions. Further these volunteers can affect the study result due to presence of multiple drugs / double concentration etc.
Inforcom offers #validation service for OVIS. It is a #compliance #SaaS, an essential tool for safe study for CROs. In last 2 weeks 3 more validations were carried out at CROs in Ahmedabad, India
OVIS has averted over 1,00,000 - i Million probable #DrugReactions.