
Notrox Research, Bangalore to use OVIS for CRO compliance requirements in India

September 15th 2019

Notrox Research Pvt Ltd. has a state-of-the-art 25,000 square-feet, 100-bed clinical facility at Salem and Bioanalytical facility is based in Bangalore, India, Notrox conducts studies for US FDA, Health Canada, UK MHRA, for numerous customers.

Volunteers selection is the key criteria for a risk free and successful study. Clean Volunteers are essential for the CRO, the Sponsor as well as for the well being of the volunteers themselves. Human Volunteers tend to participate at multiple CROs at a time risking their lives and the project. 
OVIS offers the solution for this issue. OVIS is a nationwide service hosted on the cloud. Currently active across India, OVIS is used by over 60 CRO facilities in 15+ cities, 10 states. 

Based on Biometric matching - Identification approach, OVIS offers risk free volunteers. OVIS is a validated application as per 21CFR11/2 standard, designed and developed by Inforcom Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 

#OVIS #ClinicalResearch #CRO #LifeScience #ClinicalStudy #HumanVolunteers #CleanVolunteers #LowRiskStudies #RiskFreeStudies #CrossParticipation #PhaseI #PhaseIII #EarlyStage #DrugTesting #ScreeningEligibility #DosingEligibility #RiskMitigation #HealthyVolunteers #LowCostStudies #SafeStudies #ADR #SADR #AvoidADR #DrugConcentration #RealTimeStatus #USFDA #CFR11 #BA #BE #PKStudies #InforcomTechnologies #NationalLevelSoftware #SaaS #ApplicationServiceProvider #APS