
OVIS - Covid19 Audit Report - Essential Output For Auditors and Validation

April 22nd 2020

The latest COVID19 feature in OVIS is the need of the hour. A new Eligibility Criteria is required now.

The Covid10 positive status blocking feature offers its reflection in the Audit Report for audit purposes.
The report page as well as the report format is the same. The values are self explaining. This is kept for consistency.

As this is a new feature, it will require the validation. Inforcom has designed the required script for the same.
It will be sent to the CROs. The internal validation shall be carried out at CROs end. 

#OVIS #ClinicalResearch #CRO #LifeScience #ClinicalStudy #HumanVolunteers #CleanVolunteers #LowRiskStudies #RiskFreeStudies #CrossParticipation #PhaseI #PhaseIII #EarlyStage #DrugTesting #ScreeningEligibility #DosingEligibility #RiskMitigation #HealthyVolunteers #LowCostStudies #SafeStudies #ADR #SADR #AvoidADR #DrugConcentration #RealTimeStatus #USFDA #CFR11 #BA #BE #PKStudies #InforcomTechnologies #NationalLevelSoftware #SaaS #ApplicationServiceProvider #APS #CovidSafety #CoronaScreening #CoronaTesting #CovidStudy #CovidTrial #TouchlessScan #CovidPositive #CovidNegative #HowToRecordCovidResult #CovidResultStorage #CovidResultDistribution